Gibbons Foundation Funds Women’s Art Group

We are pleased to have been granted new funding to offer mindful art sessions to any Plymouth woman in need of support.

This funding will allow us to deliver 26 weekly mindful art groups at The Sunflower Women’s Centre. The issues being tackled are social isolation and poor mental health. We address these problems by using creative activities to make it easier for clients to engage in meaningful conversations.

The Sunflower is a trauma-informed women’s wellbeing hub, providing opportunities for any woman who has support needs.  Women receive support in addressing and resolving substance abuse, childhood trauma, criminogenic behaviours, domestic violence or poor mental health. The centre offers a range of therapeutic activities, accredited programmes and practical support in a safe, nurturing, substance-free and valuing space for women to move from their pasts, develop their skills, regain their self-worth and go on to flourish and thrive. The Sunflower Centre has over 700 registered service users.

Mindful Art Club will offer these women peer support for common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. New friendships are formed in our groups which combat social isolation, and we will also teach new skills such as how to use mindfulness and art for self care.

If you’d like a place you will need to register with The Sunflower Women’s Centre and ask to be added to the waiting list for Mindful Art Club. You can leave a message at 01752 977614 .

“I have found this group very helpful in my recovery. My biggest problem is ISOLATION. So to have this group is a lifeline. I also struggle with substance misuse, although, (thanks to help), I am clean and sober. It is nice to have a space that is non-judgmental where we can check in and connect.
I love art anyway, and find it very relaxing and engaging. But it’s so much more therapeutic to do it with others. Many thanks.”

Anna (Shared with permission).

Christmas Online Art Club

The return of our online art club in October and November was a great success.

This is a supportive, monthly, online session offering creativity and good company: A short mindful meditation and an easy art project.

Tuesday December 20th 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Early bird tickets are available at just £5.00 until seven days before the event – after that the full price is £6.50.

“I really enjoyed tonight’s session. Thanks very much. Lovely to see some familiar faces and meet some new people.”


Connect with others, and discover new ways of practising self-care through easy art and mindfulness exercises. Practice being here in the present moment, and accept where you are right now, without self-judgement.

We start with a brief chat about how everyone is feeling*, then a short guided mindfulness session, followed by a simple art activity that anyone can do. We offer a different art project each session. Our mission is to make mindfulness more fun! We’re not teaching art techniques, we’re just here to play. (*You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to.)

“Thank you so much for bringing back mindful art online. I’m going through a lot at the moment and would have spent tonight in tears if it wasn’t for you guys, but instead did something productive and calming.”


You will need some felt tip pens, some plain paper and an (optional) cup of tea or coffee.

You will also need to download Zoom, free video-conferencing software, to your computer, tablet or smart phone, before the day.

After payment you will receive an email from Eventbrite saying, “Check the event page for all the information you need to join.” The link in that email will take you to a page with the Zoom invite. *Check your spam folder, notifications folder or promotions tab for the email!*

Ticket sales end 10 minutes before the event starts.

Early bird tickets are available at just £5.00 until 12th December – after that the full price is £6.50.

Book your place at our online art club now.

“Thank you Peggy and Emma for being back online!”


Don’t miss out. Join our Facebook group for more special events and offers

Not ready to join us online? Download free mindful art activities instead.

[Video] Wellbeing Day at Plymouth University

On Saturday 26th November we held a wellness day in collaboration with the WEA, Pillars of Wellness & Wellbeing CIC and POP Collectives funding.

The day offered stalls, workshops and speakers, and entry was free. We were pleased to be working with Lauren Packham from Pillars of Wellness and Wellbeing to organise this event at University of Plymouth, in the Roland Levinsky building.

Talks included qi gong, nature, nutrition, lived experience and stress management. Workshops included Mindful Art Club, qi gong, a sound bath, yoga and a guided meditation with David Rees from Here to Live Life.

“As the world opened up again last year, Mindful Art Club helped me to open up.”

Chris, a member of the Friday group at Moments Cafe

In this video Peggy, Emma, Chris and Dave explain the impact of art club, at the wellbeing day.

Don’t miss our next free wellbeing event. Sign up to our mailing list now.

Wellbeing Day Itinerary: 26th November

This Saturday 26th November we are hosting a wellbeing day in collaboration with the WEA, Pillars of Wellness & Wellbeing CIC and POP Collectives funding.

The day will offer stalls, workshops and speakers, and entry is free. We are pleased to be working with Lauren Packham from Pillars of Wellness and Wellbeing to organise this event.

Wellness Day

A full day of wellness focused talks and workshops, with stallholders in wellbeing-related fields.

Location: University of Plymouth, the Roland Levinsky building.

Date: 26th November 2022


This is an all-day event and we recommend committing to the whole day to get the most out if it.

9.30 OPEN

10.00 TALK Lee Squires – Qi Gong

10.20 BREAK

10.40 WORKSHOP Mindful Art Club creative session, qigong and sound bath

12.00 TALK Kate Nicholls (Wylder) – Nature

12.15 TALK Duncan – Nutrition

12.30 BREAK

12.45 TALK Lived experience talk

1.00 TALK Jay Unwin – mental and physical fitness, wellbeing and stress management

1.20 LUNCH

2.00 VIDEO Michael Allison – Polyvagal theory

2.30 YOGA Jo Thyssen – The Yoga Loft

3.30 MEDITATION David Rees – Here to live Life

Book Now.

New in 2023: Free Online Course

Want to learn to practice relaxation exercises, and art for self-care?

We are looking forward to working with Devon Recovery Learning Community in 2023 to deliver a six week course, on Zoom.

This recovery college is provided by Devon Partnership NHS Trust to support mental health and wellbeing. Their students are people with experience of mental health difficulties, their family and friends, and the professionals who support them.

Each session of our new course includes five minutes of guided mindfulness, five minutes of mindful drawing, a simple art project, and the opportunity to chat and relax.

‘Doodle Your Recovery’ gives people the opportunity to share their feelings, practice mindfulness, create art, relax and chat. This course:

  • Improves mental health
  • Improves social connection
  • Teaches new skills (relaxation exercises and art for self- care)

We start with a ‘check in’ to see how everyone is feeling. There is no obligation to speak if you don’t want to. This is followed by some guided mindfulness, then a simple art project e.g. drawing Zentangles or paisley, or making a greetings card.

We end the group with a ‘check out’ to share how everyone is feeling after practicing mindfulness and making art.

This 6 week, online course starts on Monday 16th January 2023

Places are limited. Book early to avoid disappointment: Doodle Your Recovery Online.

The Truth About Social Isolation

Here’s an extract from a funding bid that Emma wrote, to explain why we care so much about reducing social isolation in our local communities.

The issue I am addressing is social isolation. I understand this problem through personal experience and running groups in Plymouth. We are a grass roots organisation and deeply connected to our local community. We listen to people’s stories everyday about how lonely and disconnected they feel and have a clear picture of the problem we are trying to solve. It affects everyone, but particularly the most vulnerable people in society. Lack of funding and investment mean that strong, local community networks do not exist for most of the people who come to our groups, and long waiting lists for mental health services have prevented them from getting the help they need.

We are on the brink of an unprecedented social isolation crisis of a magnitude which we can only begin to imagine. Social isolation is seen by many as one of the largest health concerns we face, and research commissioned by the Eden Project found that 45% of adults often feel lonely and a fifth of young people have no close friends. The pandemic has revealed how much we must change in society.

I understand that the easiest, cheapest, most accessible, and effective way of alleviating loneliness is conversation. Early intervention is crucial to stop mental and physical problems associated with loneliness spiral into chronic states. This is a national problem and has a massive impact on people’s ability to reach their potential and lead happy, fulfilled lives. Surveys show that the isolation created by lockdown has produced serious damage to peoples mental and physical health. It can cause depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, loss of self-esteem, addiction strokes, high blood pressure, dementia, strokes, and sleep disorders. The British Heart Foundation recognises “an association between social isolation and an increased risk of dying.” Long term it can ruin relationships, cause problems at work, and make it difficult to overcome serious illnesses. Social isolation can literally kill you.

Emma Sprawson

If this issue affects you or someone you know, many of our weekly groups are free to attend. One of us can meet you outside before the session if you like, as we know how uncomfortable it can be to join a new group. Contact us if you would like to come along.

[Listen] Peggy on BBC Radio Devon

BBC Radio Devon’s Caroline Cook, asks Peggy:

  • What kind of art do you do?
  • Are these groups for all kinds of people?
  • What happened to the art club during the pandemic?
  • What’s your favourite mindful art activity?

At the moment we have six weekly classes in Plymouth and a monthly online art club.

Not ready to come to a class in person? That’s OK. Grab our free mindful art activities to do at home.