We are running Mindful Art Club as an online live Facebook event, twice a week on Mondays at 10am and Wednesdays at 10am, while the UK is in lockdown due to the Corona Virus. There is also a private group on Fridays for people in recovery from addiction.
To join in with a live group:
- Visit our Facebook page at 10.00 am on Monday or Wednesday
- You will need a pen, felt tips, some paper and a cup of tea or coffee
- Watch our live Facebook video and join in with the group by typing your comments below the video
- Optional: Join in with the video chat using Zoom, free video conferencing software. Be aware that the Zoom meeting will be recorded so if you are not happy to be recorded please join us on Facebook instead of Zoom.
If you don’t want to be on video you can just join with audio only. You can download the free video chat software Zoom, to your computer, tablet, phone or other device. We look forward to chatting with you at the next online mindful art club.
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