Join Us On Zoom!

Every Tuesday at 10am we host a supportive online meeting offering creativity, company and social connection: A short mindful meditation and an easy art project.

There is no art experience required, it’s friendly and informal. Just grab a coffee and join in.

Connect with others, share your experiences of COVID-19, and discover new ways of practising self-care through easy art and mindfulness exercises. Practice being here in the present moment, and accept where you are right now, without self-judgement.

We start with a brief chat about how everyone is feeling, then a short guided mindfulness session, followed by a simple art activity that anyone can do. Our mission is to make mindfulness more fun! We’re not teaching art techniques, we’re just here to play.

You will just need any pen, felt tips, some plain paper and a cup of tea or coffee.

You will also need to download Zoom, free video-conferencing software, to your computer, tablet or smart phone, before Tuesday.

IMPORTANT: You will need to book your place in advance to receive the private link to the zoom meeting.

Book your place in advance for next Tuesday.

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