Wellbeing Courses

Do you suffer from stress or worry?

Want to practice art for self-care?

Looking for a fun and easy way to learn mindfulness?

At Mindful Art Club, we offer a range of different products of all types, including:

Our trained staff of mental health professionals runs all our courses to help you get the most out of the product.

After the lockdown I felt very isolated and finding it difficult to relate to others. Coming to Mindful Art Club has helped me feel reconnected with others.

Course Participant

No talent? No experience? No problem!

You won’t have any expectations put on your art. It is simply a fun and rejuvenating experience.

Being part of “MAC” has had a really positive impact on my life which has been “stuck” for so long. It’s helping me manage my chronic pain better and breaking up my negative thoughts. Making new friends, and stepping outside my comfort zone isn’t easy for me, but I’m benefitting from being more open and sharing my thoughts and feelings.

Well-being Course Student

If interested, contact us or join our mailing list for new updates.