New Course: Devon Mind

Learn to practice relaxation exercises and art for self-care in May at Devon Mind’s new offices in Plymouth city centre. This free, six week course is starting on 23rd May 2022 but places are limited.

Each session includes five minutes of guided mindfulness, five minutes of mindful drawing, a simple art project, and the opportunity to chat and relax.

Create Your Recovery is a six week course giving people the opportunity to share their feelings, practice mindfulness, create art, relax and chat, it also:

  • Improves mental health
  • Improves social connection
  • Teaches new skills (relaxation exercises and art for self care).

We are Devon Mind, your local mental health charity. We’ve been fighting for mental health in Devon for over 35 years with our campaigning and support services.

Like all local Minds, they are an independent charity affiliated with the national Mind association.

Devon Mind’s recovery courses and workshops are all designed to support you to develop positive lifestyles and choices. Visit their website for details on how to book your place on Create Your Recovery

To get a reminder about this course and other Mindful Art Club events in the future sign up to our mailing list.

New Year, New Courses

How to book your place at Mindful Art Club in 2022

We have three new mindful art groups starting in the new year. We have a number of free places available thanks to our funders and partners, but places are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.

Mondays 10.00am at Devon Mind in Greenbank: A six week course funded by Devon Mind. Book here.

Mondays 1.00pm at The Sunflower Women’s Centre continues in the New Year. Book your place by phoning the Sunflower 01752 977614.

Thursdays 11.00am at Plympton St Maurice Guildhall: A six week course funded by Devon Recovery Learning Community. Book here.

Fridays 1.00pm at Moments Cafe, 69a New George Street, Plymouth, funded by The High Streets Heritage Action Zone initiative. Book here.

Not ready to come to a group yet? Download some mindful colouring pages to enjoy at home.

Participant Inspired to Start Her Own Art Club

I want to share a lovely message we received on Facebook at the weekend. Claire has given us permission to publish this testimonial.

Dear Peggy and Emma,

Hi, I just wanted to pop you a quick message to say a massive thanks.

I did a mindful art course with you guys through Devon Mind and it has inspired me to start my own voluntary at our local library, but I’m hoping I’m going to be expanding this soon.

It’s been really popular so far, there is a lovely group of people that come and I’ve made friends outside of the group too. I’ve also taken a mindfulness course and gained a diploma.

So I just wanted to thank you, happy Christmas and a happy New Year.

Keep doing your amazing work. So many people need this right now.

Lots of love

Claire x

Find out what free groups we are running in the New Year by joining our mailing list now.

Want to start your own art club? We love to inspire others to offer help and support, but you will need to design your own method of working and session format. Read our copyright notice.

New Course: Devon Mind

Learn to practice relaxation exercises and art for self-care in the New Year at Devon Mind in Greenbank, Plymouth. This free, six week course is starting on 10th January 2022 but places are limited.

Each session includes five minutes of guided mindfulness, five minutes of mindful drawing, a simple art project, and the opportunity to chat and relax.

Doodle your Recovery is a six week course giving people the opportunity to share their feelings, practice mindfulness, create art, relax and chat, it also:

  • Improves mental health
  • Improves social connection
  • Teaches new skills (relaxation exercises and art for self care).

We are Devon Mind, your local mental health charity. We’ve been fighting for mental health in Devon for over 35 years with our campaigning and support services.

Like all local Minds, they are an independent charity affiliated with the national Mind association.

Devon Mind’s recovery courses and workshops are all designed to support you to develop positive lifestyles and choices. Visit their website for details on how to book your place on Doodle Your Recovery:

Doodle Your Recovery is on Mondays starting on Monday 10th January 2022, 10.00am – 11.30am; a course of six sessions.

To get a reminder about this course and other Mindful Art Club events in the future sign up to our mailing list.

New Online Course Starts June

We are delighted to be working with various funding partners to deliver online courses for anyone who would like to learn to practice relaxation exercises and art for self-care. A typical Zoom session includes five minutes of guided mindfulness, five minutes of mindful drawing, a simple art project, and the opportunity to chat and relax. Hosted by Peggy Melmoth and Emma Sprawson.

“I wanted to thank you both again lovely ladies, for giving us the opportunity, of being together, in such a nice group through the Devon Recovery Learning Community. For me, not being creative, it allowed me to enjoy the doodling with you. As I said today in the group, thank you for brightening my afternoon, with an hour of giggles. So good to laugh with you Emma, thank you.”

Linda, online course participant

Our next online course starts on 7th June 2021 and is funded and hosted by Devon Mind. Book here.

These courses are very popular so please book in advance.